Creating an email account is a straightforward process in cPanel. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
- Log in to your cPanel account.
- In the cPanel dashboard, find the “Email Accounts” section and click on it.
- In the “Email Accounts” section, you will see a “+Create” button. Click on this button to start creating a new email account.
You will be presented with a form to add the new email account details. Follow these steps to fill out the form:
- Select Domain: Choose the domain for which you want to create the email account from the dropdown menu. This will be the part after the “@” in your email address.
- Username: Enter the desired username for the email account. This will be the part before the “@” in your email address.
- Password: You have two options for setting the password:
- Set the Password Now: Enter the password you want for this email account directly in the field.
- Provide an Alternative Email: If you choose this option, the account details and a password configuration link will be sent to an alternative email address. Click on the link in the email to set your password.
- Set the Password Now: Enter the password you want for this email account directly in the field.
- Mailbox Quota (Storage Space): Enter the maximum size you want for the mailbox on the server, or select “Unlimited.” Note that the disk space used by your mailbox counts towards your overall hosting package’s disk limit.
- Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing: Decide if you want to use plus addressing, which allows you to organize incoming email using email aliases. You can leave this option enabled to automatically create folders for plus addressing.
- Send a Welcome Email: You can choose to send a welcome email to this account. This email can be viewed in webmail before setting up your email client. Check the box if you want to send the welcome email or uncheck it if you don’t.
After filling out the form, click the “+Create” button to complete the process. You will then have successfully created a new email account, which you can access via webmail or set up in your email client software.