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How to optimise WordPress

1 min read


WordPress is a versatile platform, but to make the most of it, you need to optimise it for performance and efficiency. Here are some guidelines to help you optimise your WordPress site:

Keep Your Site Lean:

  • Use as few plugins as possible. Each plugin adds extra weight to your site and can slow it down.
  • Choose well-coded and well-supported plugins from the WordPress repository or ensure that paid plugins receive regular updates and support.
  • Regularly update and maintain your plugins to avoid issues caused by outdated or poorly coded ones.

Pre-Optimise Your Images:

  • Optimise your images before uploading them to WordPress. Resize them to the desired display size and reduce the file size to the lowest possible without compromising quality.
  • Aim for images to be in the low KB range, not MBs.
  • Use descriptive filenames for images to improve SEO.

Use SSL:

  • Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on your site to encrypt data transfer and ensure user data security.
  • We provide free SSL certificates as standard.
  • Ensure all site content is served over HTTPS:// to display the green padlock.

PHP Versions and Tweaks:

  • Choose the latest stable PHP version supported by your hosting environment (PHP 7.x or higher).
  • Update PHP settings, especially the max_memory option, to around 512MB for optimal performance.
  • Test your site thoroughly after changing PHP versions to ensure compatibility.

Enable Gzip Compression:

  • Enable compression for your site to reduce file sizes and improve loading speed.

Use Caching:

  • Utilise caching to reduce server load and improve user experience. LiteSpeed Cache is recommended for WordPress.
  • Consider combining and minimizing CSS and JavaScript files for further Optimisation.
  • Take advantage of LiteSpeed Cache Image Optimisation for image performance.

Disable WordPress CRON Job:

  • Replace the default WordPress CRON job with a cPanel CRON job for better control and efficiency.

Optimise Your WordPress Database:

  • Regularly Optimise your database to remove unnecessary data and improve performance.
  • Use tools like phpMyAdmin or plugins like WP-Optimise to streamline your database.

Monitoring and Further Tuning:

  • Benchmark your site’s performance using tools like
  • Understand that Optimisation depends on various factors, including WordPress version, themes, plugins, PHP version, and more.
  • Consider a staging or development site to test changes without affecting your live site.
  • Continuously monitor your site’s performance and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal speed and functionality.

By following these guidelines and monitoring your site’s performance, you can keep your WordPress website running smoothly and efficiently.