Other Blogs

Top 10 website development trends in 2021
Now that the year is coming to an end, what were the top 10 website...
August 16, 2021
SEO Plugins for WordPress – What to look out for in 2020 Gallery
Getting traffic to your website is an ongoing battle faced by ever small and large
October 23, 2019

Back to Basics: Backup your WordPress
As a fairly new website ourselves, we know how important creating great content is. Gone...
August 27, 2019
Theming your WordPress site
Theming your WordPress site is a big decision. Not only does it determine the colour...
August 25, 2019
How to come first in WordPress site speed
The online world can sometimes feel a bit like the Olympics; jumping through hoops to...
August 18, 2019
Add Google Analytics to WordPress
Google Analytics is one of those tools that website developers throw at you as a...
August 16, 2019